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The trustworthy, simple, extraordinary, selling, buying, and renting experience.
So you have old textbooks you want to sell?
Or you need a bookcase but can’t afford to buy a new one?
No problem at all.
Snap it, then sell it, or rent it. It’s simple, really.
Need an item for a day? How about a week or a month?
We guarantee more flexibility than standard online shopping so feel free to browse through our selection.
Payments are made easy and secure through the app.
We'll keep you on track with pickup and return reminders so you can enjoy the smooth process.
Ready to start earning?
Just post a listing then sit back and relax while the offers roll in. Earnings are typically direct deposited in 2-3 days.
Worried about damage?
When you rent with Zwigi, your item will be protected at its fair market value.


What is Zwigi good for?
Just about any situation really. Last minute plans, easy earning, etc.
Don't feel like paying $99 for cleats to wear at tryouts? Rent a pair on Zwigi.
Need stuff for a school project? Get it on Zwigi.
Need a phone power bank for a couple days while camping? You can find one on Zwigi.
Want an extra Xbox controller for your 2 hour gaming session with friends? You know where to look.
Sit back and make money by renting out your unused stuff.
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